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As a Mommy of two , I’ve had two very different experiences with raising my children and assisting them in their sleep needs. My first born, Juwan was the easiest baby you can imagine. He slept well from the beginning and he thrived on structure and routine. It gave him a sense of security.
Nine 9 years later, Layla was born and I thought I had it all figured out, and that I could definitely do this again! But she was very different from her brother from day one. I was convinced she had extreme FOMO! She was just so curious and didn’t want to miss out on anything. Which led to poor sleep hygiene and two extremely sleep deprived parents!
I struggled so much to get her into a routine, and for me, as a qualified teacher, I thrive on routine. No matter what my husband and I tried, Layla just refused to sleep. She had constant night wakings, and poor day time naps, which led to a very fussy, sleep deprived baby! Doctors and pharmacists prescribed liquid Melatonin, and knowing what I do now , I never would have done it.